FERS Seminar


FERS ‘Understanding Your Federal Benefits’ Seminar package. Professional comprehensive seminar program.

  • Description

    Product Description

    This FERS seminar, is a single licensed user, slide presentation to conduct comprehensive full-day, half-day and modularized seminar programs for Federal employees. The licensed seminar programs include the complete slide package used to present a comprehensive briefing to employees covered by the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) employees. Full-day half-day and module versions of the seminar program are included. Annual Renewal is $500.*

    *If you are affiliated with a Broker/Dealer (BD) or Registered Investment Advisor (RIA or IAR), all client facing materials must be reviewed and approved by the compliance department. Please contact us at (720) 432-3331 or email info@febadvocates.org prior to licensing seminars or ordering any materials. We will work directly with the compliance department them to get all seminars and marketing materials reviewed and approved prior to purchase. Once approved, all required disclosure language will be printed and on any materials order.

    **You must be a FEBA Seminars licensee to order any FEBA Seminar materials. FEBA Seminars Workbooks are available, and must be ordered from Federal Employee Benefits Advocates, LLC. We print the workbooks in order to control the quality of the material, and to satisfy other compliance requirements. (Workbooks cannot be printed or duplicated by the adviser without violation of copyright.)